Parents as Teachers

Royal Valley school district offers a free program that will provide support during your child's preschool years. We can enroll families with prenatal through age five children.

This program includes personalized visits, where the curriculum is personalized and delivered in your home or in the school early by a parent educator who is trained and certified in child development. The Parents as Teachers curriculum has been extensively studied to enrich children during one of the most critical time periods in their development. Group connections where children can learn and play with others and try new activities. Parents can meet and share experiences.  The program will include a screening, it is a development of, social/emotional, health, vision and hearing. Lastly the resource network that is where we can help families find services in the community. We have a lending library of children's book and parents resources. 

Enroll today!

Contact Royal Valley Elementary Lisa Balaun, Coordinator 1st Highland, Hoyt KS 785-986-6286